Actress Emma Watson (20 years-old) posted this photo to her Facebook profile showing out her new haircut, SHORT, she looks like Twiggy, or Mia Farrow in the fiilm Rosemary’s Baby.
She also wrote in her Facebook wall:
Dear all. Cut my hair off a few days ago… Feels incredible. I love it. I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever. Hope you like. Big love from Emma x.
In a recent interview Emma Watson said:
The stylist just grabbed the back of my hair and took a whole ponytail of hair out. It felt amazing. I love it. I missed all that experimentation that most teenagers go through. I’ve wanted to do this since I was about 16, so as soon as I had the chance I was like: Right. This is it.
Where? Who did this?
Her hair was cut by stylist Rodney Cutler of Cutler Salon.
Emma Watson used to look like this: