Posts from the category Movies

A 1955’s Michael Fox is the responsible of 1985’s Michael J. Fox

The real name of Back to the Future actor, Michael J. Fox, is Michael Andrew Fox (born 1961). If you ask Michael J. Fox what the “J” in his name stands for, most of the time he’ll tell you it’s for “Jenius”. The truth is it stands for Andrew. When young Michael Andrew Fox tried…

August 28th, 2010
Geek, Movies
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Scott Pilgrim: The Last Airbender

This video is the mashup of the audio from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World trailer, and the scenes of the tv series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The final result is EPIC.

August 27th, 2010
Movies, Series, Viral Videos
The Oregon Trail: The film and the Game for the iPhone / iPod Touch

The Game The Oregon Trail: This first video is for the Game for the iPhone / iPod Touch. This week is the second gema in the top paid games of the App Store in iTunes (after Angry Birds). It costs $0.99 (go to iTunes). It is like several different games compelled in one same theme….

August 26th, 2010
Games, Movies
The song in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World 2nd trailer In case you’re wondering about the song in the second half of the trailer, which is not part of the oficial soundtrack of the movie Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, the song actually is: Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy. And yes, it is an amazing song. You can listen to it here:

August 20th, 2010
Movies, Music
Transformers 3: The kiss of Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

In this video of Transformers 3 set, model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and star Shia LaBeouf are kissing in front of destroyed cars and a giant fan. Rosie’s hair seems to be a problem.

August 16th, 2010
The Avengers (2012) Logo Teaser Trailer In this first Teaser Trailer for the movie The Avengers, all we can see is its logo, and all we can hear is the voice of Samuel L. Jackson (as Nick Fury). Release Date: May 4th, 2012 Directed by Joss Whedon Starring Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo and Samuel L….

August 16th, 2010
Captain Jack Sparrow in Hawaii

This happened on the set of the movie Pirates of The Caribbean 4. Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) was shaking the hands of his fans. some filming took place in Kaneohe Hawaii.

August 16th, 2010
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Top 10 Movies in the Weekend Box Office, 15AUG2010: The Expendables

Photo: Red carpet of The Expendables Premiere. Sylvester Stallone, Doplh Lundgren and Jason Statham arriving for French premiere of The Expendables. New Movies in Theaters Just premiered: The Expendables: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Randy Couture, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Terry Crews, Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Eat Pray…

August 15th, 2010
1 comment
The eBay Movie Trailer – The Auction Site

This parody of the Facebook movie: The Social Network (David Fincher) with the same Creep music in the background is just genius. Taking the entire experience of a yard sale and put it online. You got 15 cents for a broken laser pen? Dollars!! 15 Dollars !!! You don’t get to 500 million auctions without…

August 15th, 2010
Humor, Movies
Inception + Juno = Conception

Conception: Your womb is the scene of the crime.

August 14th, 2010
Humor, Movies
Inception is similar to a Scrooge McDuck comic with The Beagle Boys

Seems like “Inception” is very similar to a scrooge McDuck comic strip. Comic Title: Uncle Scrooge in the Dream of a Lifetime. What a coincidence!!!

August 9th, 2010
Comics, Movies
3 mini clips of Resident Evil: Afterlife

Resident Evil: Afterlife Clip: Alice’s confession Alice records her testimonial, believing she may be the last survivor.

August 9th, 2010
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