List of posts with the tag: Keynote

Steve Jobs right after the keynote at Macworld 2007 meeting some VIPs

Some engaging moments after the keynote at Macworld 2007, Steve Jobs hugs and shake hands with a lot of people, some old friends, Apple executives and some VIPs. His sister, Mona Simpson is behind him. [0:40] Jobs is asking if Steve Woz (Steve Wozniak) is in the event [1:28] Steve Jobs says after an emotional…

October 25th, 2011
Download the iPhone OS 4.0 keynote video

Steve Jobs recent keynote about the iPhone OS 4.0 is now available to be downloaded from Apple, exclusively in QuickTime and MPEG-4. iPhone OS 4.0 keynote

April 8th, 2010
1 pages

Aeromental 2007 - Now ★ ☆ All the best people are crazy ☆ ★